I am officially experiencing the holiday blues. Hello Gorgies! For the past couple of years I have been going to Wales every Easter holiday. This year I decided not to because I wanted to try something else. Every year I go to Sweden and Denmark, and will continue to do so this year too because my family lives out there. And of course Botswana and occasionally South Africa, again because my family lives out there.  But I am really craving a new experience in a new country. Maybe France, I have only driven through France and not stayed overnight. My best holiday companions, my sister and nephew.

I did not share many details (more like photos) about my stay in Sweden and Denmark so here we go.

We are a family who likes beverages

One of the highlights of Sweden was Lund. Lund has a very large student community and very European feel to it. There are many cafes and restaurants with very creative and artistic interiors. It was very fun being with my sister and nephew and carrying my nephew after he has fallen asleep from playing too much.

We stayed in a very pretty hotel. The floors were so pretty I wanted to take them home with me. The interior was a beauty and it was super clean. There is really no serious motivation to this post other than that I want to go on holiday abroad soon. What are your plans this Easter?


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