I keep trying to be less 'deep' and more of an exciting energy that gets people letting down their hair but my experiences sometimes just dare me to ignore them, in a cocky kind of way because they know I won't. Hello Gorgies! I have been getting really fed up lately. Not only with people but with the way I respond to their behaviour.

Throughout school I was bullied. I believe it was because of the person I am. For those who know me, I am very much full on and intense. I love talking, most of the time about myself not from a narcissist intent but because for me, you should be able to share an intimate relationship with the people around you. I said to my friend, whenever I talk to her, for me it's a bit of a dear diary moment. The people who bullied me gave reasons like, 'you are too full of yourself', 'you love talking about yourself', 'you think you are better than everyone else' and most things along those lines.

The only person I have ever spent time with 24/7/365 (366) is myself. If I am not going to talk about myself who else will I talk about, other people? If there is two of us having a conversation, I either talk about you or me that's it. I do admit one of my character flaws which I am really working hard on being more aware of and controlling is taking over conversations. I have a tendency to do that and I always say to my friends, if that happens let me know and I will shut up. My true friends and family do that and they know there will be no hard feelings.

Enough about me though, let's make this a bit more universal. It may not apply to everyone but please respect that which you don't understand. No one should have to apologise for who they are. Does this mean we should all trample over each other. No way! This means we have to respect each other. If you don't understand something, don't rush to judge and criticise, ask questions in a respectful way. Calling someone out in front of a crowd is you stroking your own ego not helping them to grow and become a better version of themselves. My policy in life is if it's not from a genuine and sincere place, then it has no business being shared. That includes gossip. You have a problem with someone, tell them. What good is gossiping going to do. None.

To everyone reading this, I urge you to be your authentic self. You can't spend your whole life apologising for who you are, what you want, who you want and how you want. You are not responsible for anyone's behaviour and actions but you are responsible for how you respond to them.

Follow your own path and be fruitful. Have a great Easter weekend!


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