I had the honour of working with the amazing Sarah-Jane Tickner on her Birds of Paradise textile final major project. Inspired by the majesty of birds, Sarah created a fourteen piece sample design and I had the privilege of modelling ALL of them. Thank you for having faith in me Sarah, this could have gone either way but I am glad it went the way we were both hoping.

Mima Wells did the amazing makeup while Charlotte Pike captured every moment.  We shot this on location in Bournemouth upper gardens. What a fun morning and afternoon it was. People were staring, taking photos and coming over for conversations. A grandfather told his granddaughter that this was going to be her in fourteen years. We had a little girl walk over, sit down right where we were doing the photoshoot (but very respectful and she was intrigued but not disturbing...great manners) and take everything in. One teenager snapchatted it, she thought she was being sneaky but I am very observant.

The funny bit was that I was scantly clad, I had bikini bottoms and a crop top. It was decent but I was the only one dressed like that with a camera and a reflector following me around so I stuck out like a sore thumb. Haha but it was supper fun despite the insistent cold breeze.


The highlights of this photoshoot included but not limited to;

* obviously being in front of the camera is my favourite thing (lol you might have already noticed)
* working with such talented people was an honour. You never know how talented people are until you get to experience their creativity. Getting a glimpse of the inner workings of their minds is a special moment.
* making conversations with people who were going about their business. In England people are quite reserved and never really make conversations so seeing a live photoshoot is the ice breaker.
*wearing amazing original designs is always a perk, I mean no explanation needed there right?
* doing what you love, whether it's paid or not, keeps your hope and dreams alive.
* I got to improve my portfolio with these lovely photographs so no complaints there.
* the sun on my face is always welcome, so it was like working while sun bathing as well, two birds one stone hey.


Thank you Sarah-Jane Tickner, Mima Wells and Charlotte Pike for such a wonderful day and shoot.

DESIGN & STYLE: Sarah-Jane Tickner

MUA: Mima Wells

PHOTOGRAPHER: Charlotte Pike

MODEL: Lorraine Moalosi

All these photos and blog post are copyrighted. All rights reserved.


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