MALMO, SWEDEN (New Year's day)

Family gives me joy

This look of contentment I have on my face is because I spent New Year's eve and day with the people I love the most. I don't get to see my nephew as much as I would love to and it hurts every time I have to go to the airport and part with him. But such is life. I had an amazing time bonding with my family and just being.

We went together to the Malmo central fireworks which were just outside our hotel. It was amazing. My sister and I both cried. I shared a kiss with my sister and nephew; the best gift I could possibly ever get, at midnight. We all went to bed absolutely buzzing. The next day we went around Malmo City.

The most original thing I have ever seen

We had dinner together at one of the finest restaurants.


I love food

I had a blast because of the people I was with. I hope you guys had special people in your loves to begin the year with. Never take the people who make life worth living for-granted.


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