The Bournemouth gardens and beach
All the Bournemouth gardens and the beach photos were taken by my friend Scott Crouch. These are minimally edited and were taken using the Mi note 10 108mp phone camera.

The Bournemouth gardens and the beach are probably the best things about Bournemouth city. Bournemouth is just so beautiful. I am super blessed to have called this my primary home for a few years. I still call it home because of all the significant moments I have experienced here and nowhere else.
Just so you know guys, these past couple of weeks have been very rough. I am not ready to talk about what has been happening on the blog yet but I will eventually. Being back here has been a bitter sweet moment. But on a day when I was really down I met up with one of my closest friends, Scott. We were catching up, which my soul really needed. We had coffee, brunch and more coffee. (I had decaf because I can't have normal coffee). And then we went for a walk around the Bournemouth gardens and the beach. It was a good distraction that I really needed. But of course, most importantly, I got to bond with my mate. I love bonding!!
Again guys, I am writing this as an outlet. So sometimes I may blog multiple times a week sometimes I might not blog for sometime. I don't know how I will feel. I just thought to share that so you wouldn't wonder about my lack of consistency. But without much further ado, let's get into, Bournemouth gardens and the beach.


Scott has a really great phone with a 108mp camera, the world's first. So he obviously loves taking photos. And I obviously love being taken photos of, It felt like a match made in heaven. However, he is more into landscape photography than portraits. So in some instances I sounded like a whiny princess (which I generally am, I just can't help it). But we made it work and had fun, despite the cold wind that was walloping our sweet cheeks (lol).

I love the beach. In the summer it's my go to place for lounging around. While in the winter it's my thinking place. So walking around my favourite beach once more was super exhilarating. I took a ton of photos once again.

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